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This is one month of the year where expectations are high, anxiety and frustration bloom for many.

It is that time when you begin to question whether it will be or not.

My very nice friend and colleague once shared with me, that in life, people will always have expectations- you also have expectations. – When will you marry? Married- when are you having children? – Child comes. When are you having another child… and it keeps coming.

It is life, don’t get mad, many of them mean well but shirk mockers.

It is often a great challenge and sometimes a shaming experience when you don’t have what you should at a time or the things that comes naturally to others is often a jungle toggle for you.

Meanwhile, at some point you will be disrespected by those who once respected you especially if they are more privileged than you in acquiring these life assets. They begin to address you in terms of their experience gained where you are lagging. Handle it well.

Wow! It is a tough place to be but how do you respond, when all the ladies/guys you married years ahead of are becoming a semi- community?

Sometimes they make you cast an evil eye on your family and spouse.

It is frustrating to walk alone, or attend a function where most of your friends come half or full - by this I meant with their spouse, portfolio, child/children and you come along smiling all is okay. Most times you are and sometimes you are not.

I do like you to know that when you don’t have a single explanation for the events in your life, someone does- God.

You have prayed about that spouse, education, job, child, home, family. You have petitioned the anointed to pray on these issues. You are just on track.

What should you do?

Know that life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.

Know that your journey is different and unique as well as that of others.

Know that life storms come in varying degree to anyone and everyone.

Know that you will not always be disadvantaged in life; your time will also materialize in the time of life.

Know that no one could fully understand your pain, also know that some do.

Stay happy, keep your focus. Grieve little, and then move on.

Know that your time will come.

Seek help, keep your emotions healthy and find God’s purpose for your life.

Nothing should matter, let love grow inside of you, it is a choice you have to make.



  1. Many people get it wrong when they compare themselves with others. They fail to understand that ' time changes nothing but the right decision '. No matter the time you or others start, things might not change. It is when you FOCUS in making the right decision that you begin to see yourself as you ought to have...Maybe, you are the problem. It is time you understood others matter just as you do ... Stop comparison unless you intend to improve on it. Position yourself!


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