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What are my deepest fears?
The limits of my boundaries
The height of my emotions
The borders of my emotions
When do I experience and express
the deepest of emotion
My innermost tears
My heat period
The height of my imagination
My  hearts-felt remark
All that I am
All that I’m set to do and ‘ll do
My funniest moments
The foggiest  decision making process
Going through my blues or…

Walking in the cloud
Saying my heart-felt wishes
Unplanned I’m sorry
Unexpected goodbyes…
What about taking the blame
…helping others to cover their offences
Experiencing the shame of others
What about walking the walk
Talking the talk, and dancing the dance
…feeling the fears, releasing the hurt and  walking  tall
Walking strong, holding on to the faith.
Welcoming the fears
Embracing the future
Fighting the battles of the mind
Leaving to fight another day
Forging ahead in love
Letting go of what I can’t control
Releasing the hurt
Letting go of the emotions
Leaving the space for others to fill
The love that is lost…
Love labour gone into thin air
The regrets of un-knitted  love…
I should know it will crash…
Like unexpected downpour no sign
Really! I think I saw the sign but was unprepared to face reality
Why should the aroma disappear into thin air
I perceive the scent of his perfume 
From the distant time
Why then should the love develop wings and fly away.
Life what’ve you done or… is it fate calling
Was it an illusion, presumably a mirage
I felt the touch, yeah the spirit behind love making
It puts the world behind me
It travels with my fears as I feel  the strokes of my man
The taste of copulation as two hearts are knitted to one
Wow! The taste of those lips
The chemistry of the masculine and feminine gender
 who? Just whispered that love was a mistake
 who? Just echoed ‘it’s for the  matured, characterized by innocence
 who? just yelled ‘love is golden’
 The memory of stolen love, cheated hearts…broken love…
Unfinished copulation…
Interrupted whisper… love never meant to be
No love in the wrong hands
Manipulated- un-kept- un-cherished- unwanted- un-engaging
Unfelt- unfulfilled- unrevealing- un-accomplish…nakedness unfelt
Truth broken… heart shattered… heart walls crumbling
Heartbirds flying away to the distant land
To the topmost height… where pure, unfeigned, uncorrupt
Love can be felt
Where heart song  can be sung and heard
Where two automatically becomes one
Where two equals one
Where copulation is no longer an aberration
Where two can sing as one
Where one plus  one forever equals one.


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