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THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MESS… (The story of recovery)

 A block to joy and love can be unresolved sadness from the past. Gentle people, gentle

souls, go in love…Letting go in love.

This morning I woke up with the thought of you and had a fresh sweet feeling; with the absence

of the usual feelings of bitterness, anger and resentment. Just the fresh feeling of forgiveness,

love, fulfillment, satisfaction and gratitude. Many a times I had to do a lot of forgiving in my

heart when I think of you. Many season have come and gone since you left without a word or

sign. I may not have been perfect but I did the best I could.’ Love’ they say gets better when the

two of you is all you have. Out of everyone that came I gave love a chance with you. You said

you had a heartbreak six months ago that you desire a more lasting relationship, little wonder

you left me more broken than you were.

The process was not bad, we walked through with each other with much encouragement we

became guiding light for others to see through. I walked through with you through the thick and thin

encouraged you and automatically became your cheer leader. Even when I walked ahead

of you in life I gave you the opportunity to come along. We nurtured each other to love ,to

achievement, to embrace change and to a world of possibilities. The advent of a UK VISA

ushered in a new world of new experience part of which is the other side of the mess alas! the

end of the beginning.

Today, I have said my final goodbyes to all the ‘whys’ and I can only pray for you that God

will keep and protect you. Though painful at first, I understand that my higher power loves

me more than you did, He kept me strong through those trying times. Today I’m happy with

myself and the things life afford me.

Today, I’m grateful for the people my higher power has given me, through this little hands He has shaped many lives and still on-going. The smiles,
encouragement, the light that emanates from a once broken heart, the tear in the heart radiates

with light for others to see through their part. Today I lost one but gained many. Today I’m a

real woman though weather beaten have truly gained strength through adversity. Today I’m

no longer bow down. Today I look at the horizon with renewed hope and a fresh start to the

dawning of a new chapter, a new page in my life.

Though, I let go many times I penned it down to ascertain my liberty and freedom. The

morning of new glory, the voices of children filtering through my half open window. The noise

of motorcycles and the sweet cool breeze of harmattan reminding me that it’s indeed freedom,

the morning of new glory. 

A new dawn has swallowed yesterday’s darkness, failure, regrets

and whys. Today, a new love, a new life, a new spouse, a new home, beautiful children, tiny

little hands and reassuring smile. The warmth of a suitable companion, the joys of motherhood.

The blessings of in-laws, the laughter of sisters-in-law. The magic of new love, the magic of ‘I

know you will make me better. The magic of family, matrimony, the magic of the moment, the

magic of love regained, the magic of sacrifice, the magic of lost moment regained, the magic

of fulfilment, the magic of two becoming one, the magic of compatibility. The magic in me, the

magic in you ,the magic in LOVE.


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