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This day, I tried to back track for a while bearing with me all the outcomes of my yester years; the wino moments, the crack in the wall and the deliberate adventures of a young explorer into a world of bewilderment,  the ecstasies, the escapades, the fun moments, the fears, the emptiness, the dawning and setting of stardom, the fights, the streams of blood, the agony of men and woman fueled by my appetite for success; the gluttony of a boy explorer, his horrible moments and vivacious taskmaster-
the sage of insanity. The wonderful father of vagabonds and fugitives, whose hand we found solace in time of our miserable moments of desolation. Surely, we wondered in the dark because, indeed, “they” say we are children of darkness and we walked in it, feasted in darkness and our form was darkness. Our hearts covered in darkness, we loved darkness, we embraced it and we perpetrated darkness from the darkness in our hearts, we created a subtle world of darkness and made darkness our abode. We befriend darkness, we gave it a pet name and welcome many to darkness, unveiling our darkness in the spirit of friendship from the darkness of our heart, where darkness is deeply seated and enthroned in majesty
          Today, I thought of the twist in fate, the creator of the light and darkness, who gave man the will power to make his own submission and decide his fate. Today it draws tears of memory; the champion of the dark, now fated for the light, creating beauties in men. The feelings of indifference, the experience of salvation, the cleansing moments, the putrefaction of darkness, the embrace into glory, the grace of graceful moments only God can give through the blessedness of His well planned project of salvation to mankind through our savior JESUS CHRIST the LIGHT that light up the whole world including mine.
        Then, I moved closer to the mirror for a see through exercise, I didn’t just see through I passed through to get a better image of me. Leaving my carcass on the other side; I stand amazed, I stand justified by the precious blood of the Lamb. For He says “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away… and all things have become new”
No more blankness, no more frustrations, no more fears, and darkness has no place in my life. So I stand amazed and I say “if it has not been the Lord who has been on my side…” And a song came to mind of the awesomeness of the creator as I sing in my heart, I walked to a friend and asked, if I could speak with him about another “special friend” I AM AN EVANGELIST…
                                                                                                             Keji Hamilton.


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