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Showing posts from 2015
BEAUTY FOR ASHES Sometimes in life we count our losses at other times we count our gains and more times than often we’re grateful for our losses, because it was necessary for the present success. Sometimes our pains seem to overwhelm our joys, we feel we’ll not live to see another day, we pray fervently that the day wrap us away along with all our troubles. Thank God not all wish come through, with the speed of light the new day comes with an air of freshness, a relief, all of yesterday’s puzzle are solved just by the arrival of a new friend, a phone call, a knock on the door or through an inspiring daily devotional that we struggle to read at first only to discover that it was specially meant for us to set us on the path for the day, strong enough to bear us wings to fly to the next phase of our life. Most times our pains work out the best, brings out the best in us. Expose our hidden talents, it tells us the more we can do, that we don’t know. Also our disappointment works out the m
DREAM CHILD 'You know I will always love you' she said to the child in her hands. Liz, a beautiful rounded child who has all the comeliness of a well watered garden. An offspring of love guided moment. Love can be a very positive energy if directed aright, she taught aloud in her mind as she reminiscence on all the events that brought forth this child of consolation. She taught of the concoction Glad gave her to get rid of the pregnancy she was unprepared for, the rumbling in her stomach; the pains she felt as she gulp all at once. She said in few hours the pregnancy will be terminated, how she prayed, how well she hoped but the pregnancy has come to stay. She can still remember how her mother wept aloud, the disappointment on her father's face, she and her siblings bewailed the mis-fortune that had just befallen them. Everyone was affected by her act of loose thigh borne on the mat of deceitfulness by the man who has once professed his unlimited love for her. Teenage p


DREAM CHILD SERIES ... I draw the curtain of each day open with a silent but inspired prayer to God. The bathroom has been a favourite spot for my inspired prayers, as I sat on my toilet seat; the first thing that comes to mind is the faithfulness of the creator of eternity, the one who holds the key to the gate of Life and Death. He is the reason I am alive today. Today is one of the days of sober reflection; I thought of my teenage experiences, the innocence and beauty and inexperience that characterize youthfulness. I thought of my most happy moments during those years of naivety, I thought of my witty and adventurous moments; the first time I fell in love and end up giving my first love kiss to a stranger. It felt good at first and I smiled all night and rolled on the bed like a guinea pig. That's what you feel when you are very young and inexperience*smiles*. I took my thoughts further like someone trying to fix what he or she is not sure about but obliged to fix. I thought o