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DREAM CHILD 'You know I will always love you' she said to the child in her hands. Liz, a beautiful rounded child who has all the comeliness of a well watered garden. An offspring of love guided moment. Love can be a very positive energy if directed aright, she taught aloud in her mind as she reminiscence on all the events that brought forth this child of consolation. She taught of the concoction Glad gave her to get rid of the pregnancy she was unprepared for, the rumbling in her stomach; the pains she felt as she gulp all at once. She said in few hours the pregnancy will be terminated, how she prayed, how well she hoped but the pregnancy has come to stay. She can still remember how her mother wept aloud, the disappointment on her father's face, she and her siblings bewailed the mis-fortune that had just befallen them. Everyone was affected by her act of loose thigh borne on the mat of deceitfulness by the man who has once professed his unlimited love for her. Teenage pregnancy has ravaged our society and eaten deeply the norms of our presumed culture. We live with it, it is all around us, our neighbour's child; the girl leaving few blocks away, the child of your mother's friend or sister, your classmate or you are the victim in this case. Hear what Lisa has to say: when I discovered that I was pregnant, I felt really ashamed of what I had made of myself, I was not proud of what was supposed to be a blessing, I knew this wasn't just right. All the pleasures and memories of sex I had with Lind immediately turned sour, because I knew it wasn't the right thing to do at the time. I thought of all that would become of me after now, I finally subscribe to abortion which I did successfully but deep in my heart I knew I have committed an aberration, I have taken life that I did not create and this led to a long period of emotional torture and withdrawal from what I once found pleasurable admist a low self image, abortion, afterall was not the best option. A US Government poster on teen pregnancy. Over 1100 teenagers, mostly aged 18 and 19, give birth everyday in the united states alone.teenagers account for one in ten new mothers there. Unwanted pregnancy has varying effects on the bearer, family and society at large. This article is not in any way friendly to the excesses often exhibited by young female adults in their inability to put a check on their emotions and sexual urge but its targeted on the blessing that comes with the wonderful gift of children. It has been observed that some of these offspring end up filling in the gap, unleash bundle of great experiences in the course and pace of time. The end becomes rewarding, even though they were rejected at first. In like manner they turn out to be a menace to the society when unguided. We have heard of life testimonies of men and women who never had any child as they settle to a more comfortable life ready to give their offsprings a well deserving life; but these folks end up looking for their lost, long and forgotten bird. Similarly, the so called 'dream child' rises against all odds becoming fantastic fellows in the society. I ask that teenage pregnancy be shunned and reduced to its bearest minimum and the 'dream child' be given a chance, a better life by individuals, family, society and the world at large. bearing in mind that we all make mistakes but we are not 'mistakes'. We can minimize our mistakes and maximize our miracles. much attention and dedication should be given to young female adults by all and sundry. excerpt from 'DREAM CHILD'


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