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DREAM WORLD One day at a time, they say makes a lot better. But in this my dream world; everything looks more like a dream. No true partnership, no real friendship and communion; everyone play the adjustment game until the time you spend together expires. The holy book forewarn about the possibilities of these outcomes. It also told us how to rise above the challenges of relationships. Today I struggle with telling someone I think I could trust of certain things that bothers my mind; my fear is not been able to handle his/her reactions my fear is the other things this Individual will add to what is been said. That does not mean that there are no real, true and concerned relationships. What I have garnered from this paradox of life is that we are often endeared to people who take us lightly, who take our words with levity. But real friendship is not in the number of years we have known each other but the quality of life, time and values the relationship has given back to our lives. I conclude by saying that owning and keeping a relationship requires discretion, and certain amount of hurtful moments. If you are not ready to choose from this list you had better back off from having real relationship that works. Need I remind you that relationship is the core of life that starts from conception and ends at death, you can't afford to be a hermit in a world that requires striving relationships. Our lives is the sum total of the relationship we have acquired, worked and re-worked overtime to give us the results we require. Your relationships will either make or mar you and these include relationships in its entire entirety. Do have a nice life.


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