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“There is always some madness in love. ..."
I draw the curtain of each day open with a silent but inspired prayer to God. The bathroom has been a favourite spot for my inspired prayers, as I sat on the toilet seat; the first thing that comes to mind is the faithfulness of the Creator of Eternity, the one who holds the key to the gate of Life and Death. He is the reason I am alive today.

Today is one of the days of sober reflection; I thought of my teenage experiences, the innocence, beauty and inexperience that characterize youthfulness. I thought of my most happy moments during those years of naivety, I thought of my witty and adventurous moments; the first time I fell in love and end up giving my first love kiss to a stranger. It felt good at first and I smiled all night and rolled on the bed like a guinea pig. That's what you feel when you are very young and inexperienced*smiles*.

I took my thoughts further like someone trying to fix what he or she is not sure about but obliged to fix. I thought of my nice boyfriend who couldn't bear the inconsistency in the country, whose only means of escape was exchange of self for a non- natural love marriage which guarantees a passport to live abroad. Fair we thought and still think. How I miss him, he was my first love; my one true ally and partner in love-crime.

 Whatever anyone thinks of him; he has escaped the consuming heat of an unplanned childhood and teen abandonment by extended family to care for himself in a desperately livid jungle of Africa’s staggering giant to a place of a second class citizen but sure abode of sustenance if you denounce laziness and embrace the path of hard work.  His power of choice was decided by a twist of fate. Maybe, this is how Olódùmarè has chosen to favour him and grant him solace through the grey desires of the daughter of Eve. Don’t think too hard, it is a fair deal.

Then, the sweet thoughts of motherhood flood my heart. Sweet mother! The keeper, bearer, and perpetrator of the Gate of Life, the world hails thee! Mother is Golden! Mother's love is unquantifiable I also hail thee!
... Fathers! The world stands amazed in awe of you. You are the reason we keep striving for excellence.
My country Nigeria, I hail thee!  The labours of our heroes past shall never be in vain.

 To the Holy Community of Worshippers, keep walking in the love of the Father.
To all my wonderful friends, past and present, near and far who believed in me; especially those who made me a ferocious lover of books. I love you always.

To my wonderful Literature in English Teacher who paved the way for the enigmatic educator that I am and will continue to be. She made me read all the literature text in preparation to teach the class.

Then I thought she was a lazy teacher, who transferred her duties to an eager learner.
She was the hidden Seer, with the rare gift of John the Baptist___ The Preparer of the Way.
In the present time, whenever we meet she will parade me like a hard earned trophy, with that proud smile of- I’m a proud teacher.’
And to me 'Discretion is the better part of valour'...


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