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It is  easy to give up and give out when we have waited  so long for something or a need to be filled.

It's much easier for others, to look down, despise, be repulsive of your presence and everything or anything that represents you.

The audacity at which they quickly label you as lazy, visionless and one that lacks direction is outstanding. 

Or, they see you as having a "spiritual problem" in the natural African  coinage.

We know that people often experience grey and grave moments in their lives.

Much of which is no fault of the bearer or the physically handicapped or the spiritually detained individuals. 

Know, that not all things are logically and spiritually  explained.

So long as earth and people exist, there will always be grey areas.

There will be " almost had it all".

As, well as * I came from  a long list of successful individuals, which made me automatically self- sufficient and the journey to success much easier *

Or, * I had to work it all from the scratch,  hardwork and providence brought me here*

Also, the seemingly * carefree and lucky pool*

Inadvertently, the narrative has changed in the past few years on the concept of best life

A strong lesson for all.

Lain best life may begin at 25 whilst Jake's begins at 40 and the list goes on or most surprisingly begins at childhood, you know all the history. 

So, while waiting to be clothed with your best life:

Stay alive, think positive thoughts, be and make happy no matter what, keep working hard, release fear and hate.

Walk away from anyone and anything that won't see you beyond your present state.

I learnt that the recently deceased Tina Turner- left off with nothing when she made the decision to end an abusive marriage. 

 It's no walk in the park to always start over, be below people's expectations of you, serving when you ought to be served. 

In the end- the miracle of the betrayed is the light at the end of the tunnel. 

It's the sweetness after the bitter experiences.

It's having it in one piece coupled with an unmatched peace of mind.

It's knowing that your years of waiting, trusting and hoping is not in vain.

Do have a nice life beginning from now.


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