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The life that many of us live and lead is not the one we intend, rather it is the one created for us by family, friends, jobs, religion, society and the list can go on.

The potpourri of these influences often leave us with the feelings of un-fulfillment, anger and resentment.
We grow up to be the “created version” of ourselves. One of the places this happens is in the family, most time, some of us are lucky to have the right type of family that leads us in the right part and vice versa.

My mother will always tell my sisters’ and I that where we come from, once married, a woman is not allowed to cheat on her husband. Whereas, the many is allowed to ravage and ravish everything in skirt while the woman revere her husband with utmost devotion. I’m I saying the woman has the liberty to do same? Nope! However, discretion is a better part of valour.

Another place where “recreating self” takes place is in religion, many lives have been made and marred on this platform. The words of man are usually hallowed than the words of God! Though, man was created to be free but everywhere he is in chains__ Jean Rousseau.

It is important to know that while associating ourselves with each other- family, job, relationship etc. there is a place for individual freedom. However, we allow these associations elude us of our individuality.
According to the Judeo-Christian belief that we are made in the image of God, do you think God in his entirety will make us live outside of ourselves? Why then did He give man freewill? Why would you allow another take this freewill and impose theirs on you?

The only positive way is of doing this is complementing one another; other than being enslaved. Most women have been enslaved by their relationships. You like and cherish all he likes. Is the feeling mutual?
Many men and women have been incapacitated by standards. What is your standard?

You need to start “rethinking self”. I have heard and know myriad of women who are in places, situation or conditions they shouldn’t be in because someone they hold dear had disappointed them. Some in psychiatric homes deranged and demented by past failures, failed relationships, bad decisions….

Many dead, while others living-dead, with some kind of illness because of a grudge or bitterness caused by a loved one. In like manner, many women have ruined their homes in the name of “recreating self’. Especially, women in diaspora, who having found the inevitably African opposite “women’s world” are quickly overcome by their present realities using it rudely against their husbands who paved the part and paid the bills of the “WEST” for them and their offspring only to turn out as dogs in the wild.

What is the crux of this post?
Find *self* and be who you are meant to be while serving a larger purpose and living in a complex world.


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