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Season after season Time against time Like a twinkle of an eye A season of my life Has come and featured its role Not without the heat of life But mixed with joy and sparring sweetness Like a play the end justified the beginning Not void of mixed feelings Sweat mixed with sweetness And I say you are like the palmtree Thou child of the tenth moon Who found her position in the eight round out of ten round Well that was fair enough And I say I am like the palmtree  rummaging In childhood reminiscence Thus a feeling of nostalgia Embracing melancholic hugs I again echoed, I am like the palmtree A tale of many generation, The tale of duplicity of life and dreams A tale of love. A tale of renewal A tale of yesterday’s dreams actualized today. A tale of virginity. A tale of nativity and naivety A tale of virtue and patience A tale of love regained A tale of you and I towards a common goal A tale of celibacy. A tale of childbirth A tale of freshness. A tale of m

RED FLAGS (Discovering Ideal Christain Romance)

         An interview with Ara(Int ’ l renowned female drummer) by Ore on Love Word Extra inspired thiswounderful piece of writing. In the interview Ara shared her life,career and success, including her love life which did not end as a fairy tale ’ happy ever after ’ . Looking through, Ara has gained strength through marital adversity which gives her a platform to be a counselor and guide to young female adult in search of love and the perfect man.


Ronke  beaming with smiles Ronke damsel of the glowing moon Ronke  a name to be desired Ronke silky as the morning sun Ronke an archetype of the morning sun beauty Ronke still as the morning water Ronke light of ile ominira Ronke steady as the sun Ronke the heart of  true beauty Ronke glitters of the evening star Ronke light of ile ominira Ronke daughter of  Atanda A replica of  Afoke When beauty begat beauty The result becomes beautiful Ronke the tale in the mouth of the strength of ile ominira

THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MESS… (The story of recovery)

 A block to joy and love can be unresolved sadness from the past. Gentle people, gentle souls, go in love…Letting go in love.


What are my deepest fears? The limits of my boundaries The height of my emotions The borders of my emotions When do I experience and express the deepest of emotion My innermost tears My heat period The height of my imagination My  hearts-felt remark All that I am All that I’m set to do and ‘ll do My funniest moments The foggiest  decision making process Going through my blues or…


The interim is that period of time of waiting in preparation for the next phase of our human development. It is the time to set our priorities right. The interim is the time of rehearsal for the final show. It is the time of learning, unlearning and relearning. It is like a renewal, a review, a chance to be better fit and ready for the next phase. It is a time to let go of that which is not working. It is a time to say yes to life, the future, our dreams and aspirations. It is a time to say ‘enough!’ to bad situations and poor standards and move on. It is a time of calculated effort to receive the goodness and fruit of all your labour.


There is a name given to her kind Her trade is as old as creation Her root is deep in the soil Many years of excavation, yet undiscovered Generations raise and experience her kind She straddles races and tribes


From time immemorial to time memorial, the true essence and experience of sex has been a very fascinating topic. Generation of writers have sought out the many dimensions of this world phenomenon, 'sex', which range from sex for 'beginners', sex and marriage, the language of sex, smart sex, sex and power, and so on.